terça-feira, 23 de setembro de 2008

Don't worry I've got the music in me

Keep me in your memory…

I don’t like to give up on things that I want

And I believe

That in my time I will think in the past and I won’t feel the empty anymore.

With the shadow of the day

I’ll close my eyes, and I’ll turn my back to all the things that you said…

And the song that I wrote for you do not belong to anyone anymore.

Don’t worry I won’t please you to stay, because goodbye sometimes is the only way.

I woke up, and I think that I’ll apologize

And all the things that I said… I could apologize.

But I won’t

My pride is more than this “word”, my love is in my heart and if you don’t accept that, it’s worst than I thought.

And All the things that I’ve been doing for you, don’t worry because there is no blood

Now I face myself, and I realize that’s nothing that I can do.

And I don’t need more sorrow my life just begun.

I won’t forget the valentine days; I won’t forget your eyes, your mouth or your heart beat.

But I will star over again.

3 comentários:

Simone Brasil disse...

tá bem bonitinho seu brógui novo!

Anônimo disse...

Nossa, ficar lendo essas coisas e não ver o nexo com os fatos é fogo =/
Mas achei o poema, música, sei lá. Mo legal (Y). Vê meu scrap, dá uma olhada no album que te mandei, se vc viu, avisa que viu, fiz com mo carinho xD


Simone Brasil disse...
